rachel, unravelling

Thursday, June 23, 2005

i'm up for the little white lies

Every self-respecting gal/woman/lady should not subject herself to this kinda "torture". Thanks to Genny for being my partner in crime and woman warrior. We hit the Mango sales after work and it being the first day it was so fricking packed [like sardines in a tin]. The good thing about shopping in pairs is teamwork. Delegation. Read: Help me look for this in size x and vice versa. Especially when there's hardly room to walk and clothes are strewn in messy heaps on the floor, plus all that pushing, shoving and grabbing. Eeeew! It cheapens everything doesn't it. We ended up not finding any drop-dead gorgeous stuff and walked out empty handed, convinced that we'd rather buy nett-priced stuff than stuff that's been viciously yanked and badly treated. We were also both claustrophobic, you see. We didn't like having our air space invaded and getting too close for comfort with strangers. Plus, the queues! Unfortunately it's one of our favourite stores. :/ We hit Starbucks later and ohhh the vanilla frappe more than satisfied my sweet tooth and semi made up for the fruitless evening. Club21 sale tomorrow? Naaah I need a break.

I think I have had enough of work. It has become a rather mindless activity though admittedly it brings it great money but is terribly unfulfilling and I find myself wishing I could be doing other things. Well ok, I suppose work evokes dreary images but this feeling of mine has intensified so I'm going to quit next week before orientation starts. *gulp* I'm so glad the bulk of major-decision making is over and I can move on and be light-hearted and happy again.

Contentment, its a wonderful thing.

I am thinking of writing poetry. I did that way before, in secondary school, but it felt all too trite. Like I really know so much about love that I can write about it. I think I do prose better. But, man, after reading some really beautiful poetry I'm tempted and motivated to create some of my own. I love liquid poetry where the words flow so smoothly, how ordinary things are given special meaning, the vivid descriptions and the articulation of pictures into words. And [this is utterly superficial], how it can be cobbled together in 15 minutes once inspiration hits.

rachel at 11:11 PM



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