Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Thus ended a hellish, draggy week. The weekend sort of made things better, what with lots of TV [gilmore girls, the new oc, laguna beach], eating real food, playing tennis, and just being with the family. Sure, shit did happen but I just don't care anymore, not about people who treat others like they don't matter. Everything is tentatively good for now, at least, sans new lappie that has a temperament reflecting my own.

Switzerland, innit beautiful? I'm craving for a holiday right now.
I want these sunnies! [which coincidentally happen to be from Marc Jacobs]
I think I ought to clean up my room. It is feeling a bit icky in here, what with the spider and the weird small brown craplike thing on my table and the dust that's making me sneeze. Blech! Last night was kinda rough because it felt so hot in here despite the fan. This is the first time I couldn't sleep properly in hall, if you discount the rude awakenings by my roomie's alarm clock(s). I tossed, turned and kicked off the covers and pillow, only to feel startingly awake this morning.
And then, I ought to start doing some real work too. I feel perma-trapped in this frivolous mood, and have no propensity to make powerpoint presentations or thumb through textbooks and notes and think of quality things to say.
rachel at 11:00 AM