Thursday, September 22, 2005
somewhere in the bowels of singapore...For the past four hours, I have been plonking away mercilessly at the computer, stressing it out so much that it hung twice. Following that I decided to take a breather and since then things have been running smoothly. This past week has brought a turn of events: gotta go full steam now all the way to exams, a barrage of project presentations till the end of October and yeah, the reminder of exams. Thanks to the roomie's reminder, I went to check my exam schedule. The good: It ends in a week, on Nov 14th. The bad. For 4 outta 5 modules, the papers are on 4 consecutive days. Blech. I don't think I've felt this stressed in so long. Well I didn't think I'd feel this way much, again. Thought uni was an easy ride...well in the grand scheme of things, perhaps. On a micro level...natch. I'm in a less nutty frame of mind now that I've finished my work and have calmed down. It's perfectly chilly weather for plonking into bed and wrapping myself up in the quilt, sleeping everything away. But of course, there's always readings to be read.
On the bright side, the new laptop arrived, and another new necklace is on the way. I had it custom made after seeing LC of Laguna Beach wear it on TRL and decided I wanted something like it. The end result [I thought] was much nicer than what LC was wearing. Take a look...

LC's necklace
Now that I've discovered the joys of custom-made jewelry, I'll definitely be back for more. The person who did this for me has created many other gorgeous pieces that I love. It's the kinda thing you wished to have but never saw something quite like it in the shops. :) Of course, pretty things never fail to brighten my day and since I am cooped up in hall far far away from where it's all at I've taken [compulsively] to online shopping.
rachel at 10:19 PM