Thursday, November 17, 2005
hustle and bustleWell well, two hectic days of running around doing various things have left me shagged.
Yesterday was so hellish because I decided that I would heck-my-lack-of-car-to-pick-me-up, not trouble my parents, and move everything home from hall myself. After shoving my bedlinen, cushion and flouncy quilt into the biggest duffel bag I could find at home and realising my pillows wouldn't fit, I realised it was gonna be hard because there was so much more. It helped that my room was near the road - I asked the taxi driver to wait while I made two trips up and down to carry everything.
Then of course, there was no one at home so I had to carry everything upstairs myself. In one trip, not possible, so I took the risk, hoped nobody would find my Ikea stuff/Tupperware/random cleaning stuff appealing and made two trips. Totally aching after that. There was, of course, the added and tedious task of unpacking everything. :/
I get alotta people asking me why I live in hall when I'm pretty much near school. For the experience, and it's only for one semester. It's not bad, if you discount the bad food, occasional bugs, and crazy boys whooping and creating a din between 1-3am on a regular basis. There is the nice feeling of independence, of being close to friends, and of being able to wake up later.

So this is my block, and I live on the second floor, see the room on the extreme right. And even though it is the second floor, I have to walk up two slopes and three flights of stairs to get there. School's so hilly it's like a mini-San Fran.
Then there is my stuffy room, despite the fan being on full blast all the time - my made/unmade bed, my table, the view from outside my room. From the outside it looks very resort-ish.
I put this on my bulletin board, yeah I know I'm OD'ing on the pink.
This morning I went to Arab Street to pick up some supplies and I left with so many ideas for new earrings that I couldn't wait to get home. But then I walked past the new National Library and went in, where I decided to borrow some new books and start reading again. Then I went window shopping at City Hall - I am on a self-imposed shopping ban since I'll be away on holiday where I suppose there will be lots of shopping.
Have to pack, have to clean up my room, have to run errands for my parents. Arghhh.
rachel at 11:29 PM