Sunday, November 13, 2005
life should be fragrant, rooftop to the basement
Who's to say where the wind will take you
Who's to say what it is will break you
I don't know
Which way the wind will blow
Who's to know when the time has come around
Don't want to see you cry
I know that this is not goodbye
My song of the mo', 'Kite' by U2
Inexplicably, the past 2 days have found me in good spirits. While the unhappy thoughts still loiter around and I get the occasional pang of loneliness, they don't plague me as before. I know I need to get to a point where I'm all chin up and looking forward. I think I'm getting there.
So these are some rather outdated pics of Mel and I at Wala Wala because she finally got her camera back.

Exiting Wala: This amuses me quite, I think I flipped my hair or smth/In the pub/My cosmo and Mel's "little crap"/After dinner at Cafe Rosso
It's one of those awfully hot days where you feel like wilting. Am feeling very well fed, with angel's hair pasta and steak with a potato salad for lunch and dinner respectively. There isn't alot to study for 108...there just is lotsa figuring out to do for me and I'm glad my dad and brother are technology experts.
rachel at 12:05 AM