rachel, unravelling

Friday, November 18, 2005

packrats and jackets

If I don't like being compared to others, then why am I doing the same thing? I wonder if it's got anything to do with what we learnt in 101 on perception: we find a prototype [ideal of a category], apply personal constructs [bipolar characteristics], stereotypes [predict what will happen] and then scripts [how we act/what we say]. Not exactly, but close.

As usual, I've overpacked, and managed to sneak in some extra clothes. While packing I discovered I've got way too many sweaters and jackets in my closet - mostly bought in England because it gets cold there. I'm pretty much good to go and glad to have some respite. Will have my phone with me, but I doubt I will use it much, the odd sms/call home/radio/camera. Geez, I can't even activate my phone's Internet connectivity because it's not included in my plan.

Alright...I suppose when I get back people will be finishing up their exams so it'll be perfect for meetups. I do intend to have as much fun as possible before school starts. :)

rachel at 10:52 PM



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