Tuesday, November 15, 2005
twiddling my thumbs, tapping my toesHaving been so busy all this while makes me feel guilty for having nothing to do. I find myself rushing to do things and then I stop because it doesn't make any sense. I feel compelled to have something to do because not doing anything feels like a strange concept altogether.
Today's shopping trip [haven't been to Orchard in ages] was fruitless and I think I prefer online shopping nowadays because of the variety and the fact that some stuff can't be found here. Or, if it's available here, it's a ripoff.
I stocked up on Crystal Jade egg tarts and Coffee Club muesli cookies but they're all gone now because I gave my brother the license to eat. :P
The weather's been a bitch, and it's supposed to be the rainy season.
rachel at 9:52 PM