rachel, unravelling

Monday, December 05, 2005


I've branched out to reading cookbooks now, Nigella it is for today.

When you're ill it's forgiveable to let something slip, or to ignore something that you don't want to deal with. Haven't been this lucid in days. Couldn't sleep last night, but still woke up too early this morning, and throughout the day didn't really feel tired. My throat's not much better, because people who know full well I should be keeping quiet insist on pestering me with questions and frustrating me with stupid childish futile long-drawn debates.

This holiday has given me a "normal" sleeping pattern again...on most days there isn't a reason to be up past 12, and I find myself up at 8-ish. That's really good because eyebags freak me out, I can have a big breakfast and get more things done in a day. :)

My table's littered with cups [one each for water, honey water and tea] and assorted medicine. Tomorrow, unfortunately, since the tonsillitis shows no signs of letting up, I gotta drink the "bitterest gall" in the form of the herbal tea. When I was a kid I would eat a sweet and hold my breath, but recent years have shown that anything too bitter or sour [like preserved limes] just makes me gag.

rachel at 11:05 PM



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