Saturday, December 10, 2005
pick-me-upsI have my good days and I have my bad days. I've been a recluse ever since coming back from my holiday but only because I fell sick and felt like crap.
Tonight was one of the best I've had in ages - thanks Genny for being such lovely company as usual. :) Lots of giggles, silly moments and musings.
We finally made it to Canele after my bad directions landed us on the wrong side of Clarke Quay. At least we worked up an appetite. There was a choir carolling near Brewerkz. I suggested we try joining them at the back and singing as well to see what the conductor would do - that was my first crazy idea of the night.

i love lamp posts
To make up for all that lost time, we shared 6 cakes among the two of us. The patisserie doesn't sell savoury food anyway, and they had such a pretty assortments of cakes, chocolates, pastries and Christmas goodies that we had a hard time deciding what to eat. It helped that the service was great and they had nice substantial samples for us to try.
gateau lollipops
Of all that we ate, the tarte citron and the chocolate cake were really yummy. But then, all things sweet tickles my tastebuds nonetheless. The cheesecakes are not that special though. I am feeling really guilty because I just went to the dentist last evening.
same pose, different cakes
We were on a sugar high after that. The Robertson Quay/Unity Street area is nice to walk around because there's quite a number of nice cafes and bars, and we found some cheap wine and champagne, but we're saving that for next time.
post dinner/dessert, outside newsroom bar
On our way back to Clarke Quay, we saw these kites of the laser light up kind. Silly me thought it was something else together. Wished on them, and on a Christmas tree done up in gold too. "Carolled" to see if anyone would listen, and just soaked up the sights and sounds of the crowded stretch on a warm Friday night. On the downside, we're not really pickuppable girls but we're not that bothered.
Geneve's great piece of advice is simply not to dwell on something I can't have or see it as a problem and to just remember the wonderful experience I already had as opposed to putting myself through the cumbersome process of putting it behind me.
That's the way things should be, only I'm afraid this will never come along again and that's what makes me sad. To let it go would be to give up that hope. To hold on to it would be a delusion. I haven't opened my heart in so long, but I don't want to close it and be cynical. I think that makes me thankful for what I used to have that I no longer do [some, not all] ... that's when I start realizing things I wouldn't have earlier that have reframed my perspectives and put things in a different but better light. It doesn't always have to be negative.
And thus concludes a sinful calorie-laden but heartening evening that has left me, as Genny promised, with a sugar-induced headache.
rachel at 12:06 AM