rachel, unravelling

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Playing tennis at 12pm yesterday was a bad idea. It was sooo hot but with a bit of wind...not very good conditions. I felt like a char siew pau and didn't want to chase down balls. I woke up this morning with aching upper arms and legs.

I also decided to get started on my Christmas shopping in the afternoon. Gabriel and I braved the crowds but didn't manage to come up very successful. On Pedder and Pedder Red were having their sales. "Seeing all these shoooes and baaags just makes me so happy," I trill and clap my hands together while he's like, Okayyy. I've got gift ideas as opposed getting the actual gifts themselves. I'd rather go when the shops open on a weekday morning rather than go midnight shopping in a menagerie. I'm not that into Orchard Road's fairy lights and Christmas deco...it's a bit too bright imho. It seems like every square inch is dedicated to milking the Christmas cash cow and you can't walk down the stretch undisturbed.

We sample one too many fragrances and it got so bad we could not smell so the salespeople whipped out their jars of coffee beans to revive our senses. Now I heart Marc Jacobs' classic scent.

Stollen + brownies from the pan pac + mrs fields cookies = too much sugar = yummy = i think i am going to get a sore throat again if i continue at this rate

rachel at 11:23 AM



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