Sunday, January 29, 2006
everyone's probably done with their reunion dinners now...we had ours during lunch. i don't think it's extra special for my family since we see each other alotlotlot. the thing that really gets me is the spring cleaning. it's like the precursor of the mother of all allergy attacks. i ended up putting everything away so my table doesn't look cluttered but i know that all this is temporary so my mom [who thinks everything belongs somewhere and has to be put away] won't nag.been sleeping alot lately, 9 hours each night and long afternoon naps. a sign that i'm not feeling too good i s'pose. and i've been eating alot too. the scent of kueh lapis, pineapple tarts, chocolate chip and walnut cake...or whatever's baking in the oven at night just makes me hungry. and the goods fresh from the oven is da bomb - i keep on going back for more. so the past two days at the nascent signs that a sore throat is imminent i've been attempting to keep away from the sinful stuff so i can go crazy when i go visiting.
i was so disappointed with the women's finals of the australian open. poor henin-hardenne, she's been playing so well throughout this tournament and now she's gotta take all that bullcrap of how she didn't try hard enough and pulled out without finishing the match. i bet criticism wouldn't be this strong if it wasn't the finals of a grand slam.
hingis is in the mixed doubles finals! :):)
splurged on this darling of a hobo yesterday, it's totally rad and i lurve the buttery soft leather. stylish and functional, totally justifies the price.

aye, i love the hols! happy chinese new year everyone;)
rachel at 12:19 AM