Monday, January 23, 2006
inkheartsoh yes, monday is finally over:) falling asleep in the first lecture and wondering how i'm gonna make it. copying down notes so i won't fall asleep. fly also flew north today - he's going seoul shopping for a sassy girl. i'm stuck here thinking of shoe shopping in shibuya. :/ and as if i'm not envious enough, he's going to a ski resort for the next 2 days. bahs i am craving for skis too and i wanna learn to snowboard. i <3 adrenaline rushes.
i've been watching lots of the australian open. hingis has been lovely on the court, fluid motions and all. hopefully, she can pull it off against kim clijsters. but even if she doesn't, it's been an amazing comeback to progress this far into the tournament.
last night's man utd vs liverpool match was blah. at least now we know that rio ferdinand, for all his bungling and fumbling as a defender, has other hidden talents.
things will get progressively better once i move beyond monday since the bulk of tutorials are over. some of the deadlines given to us for projects are seriously screwed up.
i am learning how to be organized [again], how to keep my spirits up when everything's down in the dumps, how to sleep and wake up on time, and how not to cave in and start thinking of you.
rachel at 10:20 PM