rachel, unravelling

Thursday, February 02, 2006

what an utterly poopifying day.

after feeling so incredibly stressed out, i stayed up till 2am working on my project. i can't function properly when i get less than 7 hours of sleep. a deadline was postponed, and i filled up my organizer with the important dates, which made me feel marginally better but less overwhelmed.

there's just so much to do, and it's not just school. admittedly, i've been sacrificing school for everything else. become more forgetful, less mindful of others, more demanding, more crabby...

i guess we're all compelled to do what we want, not what we have to, but it's all a matter of self-discipline, of which mine has clearly waned. i am excited about studying certain things, but having to rush the work takes the joy out of the process of learning. hrmmph. i don't even know where to start now.

rachel at 11:18 PM



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