rachel, unravelling

Friday, April 14, 2006

first day of exams went surprisingly okay. i've got a tendency to think of the worst case scenario, like not knowing the answers to anything, but last night was horrible. i stayed up so long with a cough of the hacking kind, which continued till today. naturally i'd to wake up feeling like crap - i think i got like 5 hours of sleep or less. i know it's the exams and all but my mind was cloudy and i was devoid of all inspiration and motivation. much more awake for the 2nd paper thanks to a cuppa tea but there was much less to write.

it's time to cram majorly for my core modules now but the sense of urgency is lost on me. i watched too much tv tonight, am preoccupied with inconsequential things and i am feeling happy. well there's nothing wrong with being happy but it's the lighthearted carefree kinda happy that is sounding alarm bells - at least i should be fretting as well right?

gotta soldier on for one more week. sustenance comes in the form of coffee, tea, online shopping and the latest eps of the oc and gilmore girls. :)

rachel at 12:51 AM



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