rachel, unravelling

Thursday, April 06, 2006


i'm finally done with my short essay for english. well, actually it was done much earlier in the day but i kept on re-reading it, adding stuff and editing. it ended up being 9 pages long. sigh, t'was a complex argument.

feeling a most extremely odd sense of happiness now that there is about a week of no school, when i should be hot and bothered that exams are a week away and i have hardly read anything for next week's papers. instead, i am more often than not plonked in my parents' bed watching cable. thus, out of responsibility i will get started on english tonight.

last semester i had a significant distraction that kept me from being as focused in my studies as i intended to...this time around i'm sure there's nothing except the usual necessary evils like online shopping and more television. :p there hasn't been much drama this year and i realise that it's all cyclical. someting major happens, and it's usually intense and emotionally demanding, but after awhile (usually months after) it dies down. after that comes stability and a semblance of normalcy resumes.

well, i definitely live for the excitement, life's little surprises and spontaneity, but things hardly seem to happen at the right time...

rachel at 12:12 AM



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