Wednesday, September 28, 2005
the stuff fairytales are made of
Tonight was such a blast! Headed down to Cineleisure to catch Cinderella Man with some of the CS people, and it was damn good stuff! Inspirational, gripping, touching, and a true story at that. No fairytale here. We intended to watch Be With Me at first but it was sold out. Still, this more than made up for it. I'm glad I went, not so much for the great movie or the lovely company, but because I almost didn't go. And it was for some dumb and trivial reason. One moment, happy, the next, I was feeling like a deflated balloon. I don't even know why I let it get to me. Nonetheless, it would be weak to be so affected, and I needed to get away from school. And somewhere along the course of the night, I didn't feel so bothered.
Anyway, I digress. The point is, I enjoyed myself this evening and I am eyeing this new bag...
rachel at 12:41 AM
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Thus ended a hellish, draggy week. The weekend sort of made things better, what with lots of TV [gilmore girls, the new oc, laguna beach], eating real food, playing tennis, and just being with the family. Sure, shit did happen but I just don't care anymore, not about people who treat others like they don't matter. Everything is tentatively good for now, at least, sans new lappie that has a temperament reflecting my own.

Switzerland, innit beautiful? I'm craving for a holiday right now.
I want these sunnies! [which coincidentally happen to be from Marc Jacobs]
I think I ought to clean up my room. It is feeling a bit icky in here, what with the spider and the weird small brown craplike thing on my table and the dust that's making me sneeze. Blech! Last night was kinda rough because it felt so hot in here despite the fan. This is the first time I couldn't sleep properly in hall, if you discount the rude awakenings by my roomie's alarm clock(s). I tossed, turned and kicked off the covers and pillow, only to feel startingly awake this morning.
And then, I ought to start doing some real work too. I feel perma-trapped in this frivolous mood, and have no propensity to make powerpoint presentations or thumb through textbooks and notes and think of quality things to say.
rachel at 11:00 AM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
somewhere in the bowels of singapore...For the past four hours, I have been plonking away mercilessly at the computer, stressing it out so much that it hung twice. Following that I decided to take a breather and since then things have been running smoothly. This past week has brought a turn of events: gotta go full steam now all the way to exams, a barrage of project presentations till the end of October and yeah, the reminder of exams. Thanks to the roomie's reminder, I went to check my exam schedule. The good: It ends in a week, on Nov 14th. The bad. For 4 outta 5 modules, the papers are on 4 consecutive days. Blech. I don't think I've felt this stressed in so long. Well I didn't think I'd feel this way much, again. Thought uni was an easy ride...well in the grand scheme of things, perhaps. On a micro level...natch. I'm in a less nutty frame of mind now that I've finished my work and have calmed down. It's perfectly chilly weather for plonking into bed and wrapping myself up in the quilt, sleeping everything away. But of course, there's always readings to be read.
On the bright side, the new laptop arrived, and another new necklace is on the way. I had it custom made after seeing LC of Laguna Beach wear it on TRL and decided I wanted something like it. The end result [I thought] was much nicer than what LC was wearing. Take a look...

LC's necklace
Now that I've discovered the joys of custom-made jewelry, I'll definitely be back for more. The person who did this for me has created many other gorgeous pieces that I love. It's the kinda thing you wished to have but never saw something quite like it in the shops. :) Of course, pretty things never fail to brighten my day and since I am cooped up in hall far far away from where it's all at I've taken [compulsively] to online shopping.
rachel at 10:19 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005
noodledThat basically explains how I feel after the first day back at school. Noodled=exhausted. It didn't help that I had the Monday blues major on Sunday night so I got ticked off real easy. I'm not the kinda person who breaks down and cries everytime I feel overwhelmed, I just get short circuited but eh, I'm working on my reasoning and temperament. It also didn't help I had loads to haul back to hall and the duffel bag I was using could barely be shut. Then it'd to rain so I'd to call a cab. Of course there was a traffic jam on the pie all the way down to school. It reminded me of the song "Ironic". Or maybe murphy's law. But the song of the mo' that's playing in my head today was Atherton's "California" cuz it's so darn good but I only have 2 minutes of it. It's also really relevant and about being gone way too long and coming back to a familiar place.
In the cab I messaged Ruth goodbye cuz she leaves today. I've said so many goodbyes and while I do feel a tinge of sadness everytime, I don't get majorly sad anymore. Right at the beginning I would cry buckets but goodbyes aren't forever, time passes really fast and before you know it, people are back from wherever.
So tonight I'm chillaxing in my room not really doing anything but eating my prata and drinking my teh si and watching laguna beach. I'm also loving my new supposedly "candy pink"-but-looks-magenta bedsheets cuz it makes me wanna sleep more. Today was a failure of a souffle in so many ways and it's only the start, but on the other hand I do hope things get better, which I'm positive they will be. It's been a crappy day and I'm feeling purposeless...I think I may go home tomorrow for a bit because I want comfort, familiarity, Dreyer's, and my new necklace.
rachel at 8:47 PM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
fab friday nightsDessert at Cafe Rosso: a delectable banana pan pudding with butterscotch sauce and ice-cream!
And after getting reaally psyched up, we finally hit Wala Wala for the band. [This is where the photos dry up cuz my cam doesn't take good pictures when it's dark, and the photos are with Mel] Had my favourite Cosmo [of course, it had to be a pink drink] and greasy pizza since we had like practically 2 hours to kill before the band started to play. It gets insanely crowded on Friday, so anyway it's the company innit. But oh the crowd - I hope I'm not like that in 10 years time. [Guys apparently, are still immature - they talk with their mouths full and swear alot] Oh yes, and EIC was smashing as usual. Ahhh. Mel was saying that it's so dangerous seeing a band play live cuz the minute the lead singer starts singing [and if he's got a fab voice] you'd just fall in love. Of course, they had to have great voices. I loved the electric guitar. Actually everything, la. *beams*
So we walked to the bus stop singing
Sweet Home Alabama, where the skies are blue
Sweet Home Alabama, Lord I'm coming home to you
Drag the vowels a li'l bit, turn up the volume and pitch. =P
It's so nice to know, that even though it's late at night and I reek of ciggies and alkie, somebody always stays up to wait for me. Surprise, it was my brother this time, but then again he was playing computer games. And, dad had bought me my favourite abaling filled with peanut and red bean, as in the glutinous rice balls, and left it out on the dining table so I wouldn't miss it. They are such lovely people, I feel horrible and irresponsible. I think I might move home at the end of the semester, but we'll leave that for later.
I saw your face
in a crowded place
and I don't know what to do
cuz I'll never be with you...[from my song du jour]
rachel at 12:00 AM
Saturday, September 17, 2005
rabbits!So ytd Mel and I were checking out this pet shop in Holland V and they had the cutest wabbits! I've been going to this pet shop ever since I was a kid to ooh and ahh at the animals, but I never bought any pets from there. :/ I was just at Holland V practically every week, which explains why it's one of my favourite places now. Back to the rabbits, they look so cuddly and adorable! I especially love this grey and white one.

Then there is the brown and white one. *squeals*
Sleep furry rabbit! Yes, that's a rabbit butt behind the sleepy one. =P
rachel at 11:34 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
piece de resistanceI can heave a sigh of relief at last since the term paper is in its final stages. The bulk of it is out, I just need to do a fitting conclusion that eludes me at the moment, draw up the references and tweak the whole thing according to the APA format. I hope I can finish it by tomorrow since the weekend will be another busy one. Eh come to think of it I haven't had time to poke around my notes and readings at all.
Shopping in Orchard Road is getting dull again, maybe because there aren't new places to check out. I did go to the Hyatt fair but nothing caught my eye. With much guilt, I purchased a new pink pleated skirt from Mango. Guilt because it's pink [as are many other items in my wardrobe and other misc things I use on a daily basis], it's pleated [I have 2 other pleated skirts] and it's from Mango again [the fourth one I've got from there this year]. Generally, I tend to prefer variety, but this one screamed my name la, so it's hard to resist.
For lunch, as mentioned in the previous post, I headed to Upper Thomson to the charming and cosy Le P'tit Breton that is tucked away in a corner. They're famous for their authentic French cuisine, specifically that of the postcard perfect Brittany region - galettes and crepes. I had their crispy crepes with apples and chocolate sauce which is homemade and tastes so rich and sinful. It didn't help that I ordered a hot chocolate drink to go with my meal too. Double the sin, but maximum satisfaction. And so I stepped out into the hot sun, my wrap skirt threatening to pop, and dozed off contentedly on the bus, all the way home.
rachel at 11:47 PM
Holidays? Natch!I'm wondering what is it like to live in fear each day not knowing when something terrible is going to happen, but knowing that it will happen for sure and that there's nothing you can do to stop it except dread it. And that is enough to take away meaning and happiness from life.
I had a scare today, where I couldn't find my wallet. If I really did lose it, it'd be a hassle replacing stuff, I'd get hell from the parentals, and I'd feel pained. Firstly it's a birthday gift that I picked out, next cuz of all my cards-apart from i/c and ez-link there's privilege cards for shopping and my can't-live-without atm. After emptying out two bags, a shopping bag and three drawers, I opened my wardrobe and there it was. :/ Come to think of it, I haven't lost my wallet before, and don't ever intend to. I don't generally lose stuff, or if I forget something I usually know where to find it. Horrible consequences to deal with, considering how there's so much personal stuff in a wallet. There is where they use RFID technology to locate lost stuff, and my brother's project work coincidentally focuses on RFID, so I hope somebody makes headway in this cuz it'd help us greatly in keeping track of our valuables should we misplace them. I don't know about losing it to theft cuz it'd be even harder to track.
Half the hols are already gone and I haven't really accomplished much. Well the term paper is slowly rolling, no, lumbering along. The tutorial presentation is going smoothly, and the partner treated me to dessert at Out of the Pan after our meeting. Banana and sticky date pudding with pecan ice-cream and drizzled with butterscotch sauce, absolutely divine! I did get to meet Ruth for lunch before she flies off, and it was like old times again. In the midst of getting to know new people sometimes I find myself longing for friends where I can feel at ease and being able to talk about anything on my mind without the fear of being judged.
Yesterday was half-priced waffles and ice-cream at Gelare and getting to know the subcomm people thereafter. Today was more good food, cuz Fly and I hit Pizza da Donato's along Bukit Timah for Italian. I must rave about this cuz it was one of those gastronomic experiences. The carrot soup was creamy and full of flavour, the vongole had sooo many clams I couldn't finish the pasta and the pizza had a nice crisp thin crust with shavings of Parma ham. Parma ham costs $80 a kg, would you believe it! So when you go to an Italian restaurant, you only get thin shavings of it. I think tomorrow, I might venture across the island for French food.
I'm slowly easing back into eating Japanese food again. I got too sick of it after eating too much of it so I sweared off it, but right now I'm only staying away from what I usually eat, especially the don and sushi. My mom made a mean soba for dinner today, and for dessert I had snowskin mooncake. Mm!
Somehow, I ended up talking lots about food in this entry. :/ Moving on! My 2 new pairs of earrings arrived yesterday and they're really delightful to look at, and I've ordered another 2 necklaces on the way. This is very sinful and indulgent of me but I can't help myself everytime I see something pretty and it's love at first sight. C: A simple mantra of I see, I like, I acquire? Probably. [ And within my means la, I don't advocate breaking the bank ]
rachel at 12:41 AM
Sunday, September 11, 2005
in retrospectTerm break is finally here and 7 weeks of freshman year have passed. It's been quite a trying time but one filled with oodles of fun, hiccups, bewilderment and epiphanies. Last weekend I remember desperately looking forward to this weekend, and now it's here and I'm back to my usual self. (: So the past week's been a mad rush of running to and fro but yet not wanting to do anything because it's gonna be the hols.
-Last weekend we celebrated ben's birthday and said goodbye again to jess. blech. Then we ate out on my aunt's new patio, which is so gorgeous, the wooden floor beams, the antique lamps and the fact that you can sit outside and watch movies with a projector - very romantic.
-I passed my music exam! And the parentals treated me to Lei Garden yesterday. Yummy dim sum filled with my favourite uh, fillings, prawn and lobster, together with the usual fare and new stuff like quail's soup. And they've got the softest chewiest glutinous rice balls! Coated in crisp toasted peanuts and chockfull of sweet black sesame goodness.
-Ordering 2 new earrings, very unique and loverly finds! Plus a new long beaded necklace from Aliya that can be doubled up as a belt and styled in a variety of ways.
-Getting bonked in the behind. The cab I was in, that is. I still can't believe how, despite the slow traffic going into school, the car behind could still ram into the cab.
-Church food and fun fair today. The archbishop came and he sounds so much younger now. There were lotsa excited people who were clamouring to shake his hand, it got kinda amusing. Other than that, there was great spirit and good food.
-Got into social sub-comm, finally something I can be involved in for school.
-Kim Clijsters won the US Open.
Looking forward to a week of part work and part relaxation. Finally I can sink myself into reading that has nothing academic about it, eat food that has nothing to do with the ones in canteen, hang out in places more central than secluded, and have a room all to myself. *beams*
rachel at 10:36 PM
Thursday, September 08, 2005
rachel unravelling revampsI wanted to blog the past few days, given all the drama that has been happening, but in the grand scheme of things it sounds trivial and it all turned out to be fleeting. I hate emotional rollercoaster rides and trying to maintain a cheerful demeanour and not let the messy slush that is my emotions show up on the exterior. So far, so good. I refuse to let myself get trapped in all this shit and be miserable about it. I hate that everytime something screws up and I get really confused I keep on running back to the parentals for help. Shouldn't I be really independent now? I hate that I've become blur and ditzy this year, without the discipline of school to keep me focused. And most of all, I hate how I can be so easily swayed, when I thought I was so resolute. That I wouldn't let you pull me down.
I'm going to revamp this place.
rachel at 5:58 PM
Saturday, September 03, 2005
saturday swingsHuzzah! Lotsa good things to crow about this weekend. The earrings I ordered online arrived, and they're so pretty! And my computer? Well the motherboard died but my hard disk didn't, so my dad replaced the motherboard for me and ta-da it's working again. That means my songs, shows and writings are still intact. *phew* Last thing was doing the community project for CS111 for the majority of the day - haven't been this involved in a comm project before or done extensive work with kids so this was really a learning experience in which I feel enriched, though I think I coulda done better if I'd gotten more sleep last night and didn't flub my lines.
The day started off dark and early: set my alarm clock for 6.15am but apparently I was so shagged that I fell asleep without realising I actually had to wake up. Thankfully I received an sms from my brother at 6.45am [when I was supposed to leave!] asking if I was coming to pick him up and that woke me right up. I haven't gotten ready this quickly before and I was out in a record 15 minutes, all the while swearing in my head. That involves washing up, getting dressed, eating some brekkie, packing my bro's tennis kit and then running back cuz I forgot his shoes. But, as always I realise that I tend to stress myself out too much - got there on time and everything went rather smoothly.
I'm gonna catch up on sleep cuz I'm so jaded! What I realise about school is that there never is a dull moment. Once you're done with something major, like an assignment or a midterm, there is always something else to do. And I think it makes it all the more fulfilling because even though I'm busy quite a bit, I still do have pockets of time to myself so I don't really lose my marbles. :) I don't want to have such an easy ride in uni and not do anything purposeful, there's got to be more to it than just getting that degree.
Currently swooning over Jason Wade's voice in 'You Belong to Me'. Hello, stranger. ;)
I've got so much things to catch up on and I'm really looking forward to them. Right now it's England [my fave] vs Wales, woohoo.
rachel at 9:57 PM
Friday, September 02, 2005
full of tired excusesAfter subsisting on five hours or less sleep last night and traipsing from one end of the island to the other, I am utterly spent. Last night's supper was prata goodness, catching up with the og, climbing over the fricking gate to get back into school cuz it was locked, embarrassing myself in the process and walking all the waaay back to hall. But it was fun, and I think I should go out for suppers more often. I love the way the roads are empty at night with the occasional solitary car passing by, temporarily breaking the still of the night with a whoosh.
I woke up this morning thinking of cancelling tuition cuz I really needed my shut-eye...but in the end dragged myself out of bed to shower even though I was late, then cabbed down there and reached 15 minutes late. I'm glad the community project is gonna be over on Saturday so I can have more time to do other things and not have to travel all the way down to the east again. Though I must say being involved in this has been an enjoyable learning process. Finally, after 5 tiring hours, we left the place and cabbed to City Hall.
Now, you know what that means. Being secluded in the west for a good part of the week just makes me harken for the city more. I could see the stark contrast while travelling back from the city to the heartland - drastic change of landscape. I miss towning! And of course I was like some crazy chick let loose in Bergdorf's for the first time. I tried on a fair bit of clothes but in the end pared down to two off-shoulder tops from Mango and Mphosis. Then there was bruschetta for dinner at Menotti's where there wasn't much people watching to do but just sitting there thinking how lovely the city looks at night. I'm sounding awfully deprived, I know.
I want dessert.
rachel at 12:02 AM